Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy

Not much I can really say about this one. It’s a short and sweet film aimed at very young children which follows the classic Peter Pan character Tinker Bell, updated for a modern audience, American voice and all, try along with her fairy friends to stop pirates, led by a young Captain Hook (voiced by Tom Hiddleston) using fairy dust to make their ship fly into London. The film is produced by DisneyToon studios, the division of Disney that mostly handles the direct to video sequels to the large films by Walt Disney Animation Studios, as well as creating the odd original feature, like Planes last year. It is a far cry from Disney’s other animated film present in cinemas at this point in the year (Frozen) but admittedly, the film is not trying to compete. The story and humour in the film is aimed squarely at youngsters but the colourful animation and special guest voice talent, including Hiddleston and Anjelica Huston, as well as some nice voice performances from the professional voice actors, such as Jim Cummings, Rob Paulsen and Kevin Michael Richardson, helps to keep things interesting, even if the story does feel like a drag even at its short running time.

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